Engagements Object ​
The engagement's unique identifier
The engagement's owner
The owner's unique identifier
The engagement's content
The engagement's subject
The engagement's direction
The engagement's type - call, email, meeting or raw response
The engagement's internal notes
The engagement's notes
The note's unique identifier
The engagement's status
The engagement's start time
The engagement's end time
The engagement's duration
The engagement's project
The project's unique identifier
The engagement's account
The account's unique identifier
The engagement's contacts
The contact's unique identifier
The engagement's opportunity
The opportunity's unique identifier
The engagement's lead
The lead's unique identifier
The unique identifier of the phone number
The phone number
The extension of the phone number
The phone number type
All the custom fields present on the engagement
The date and time of the engagement's creation
The date and time of the engagement's last update
Raw data returned from the remote API call.