Meetings Object ​
The unique identifier for a meeting
Title of the meeting
List of attendees
The unique identifier for an attendee
Name of the attendee
Email of the attendee
Whether the attendee is the host of the meeting
Type of the attendee. Can be either user
or guest
Duration of the meeting in seconds
Start time of the meeting in ISO 8601 format
End time of the meeting in ISO 8601 format
URL of the audio recording of the meeting
URL of the video recording of the meeting
Status of the meeting
List of topics discussed in the meeting
Type of the meeting
List of sentences in the transcript of the meeting
The unique identifier for a speaker
The type of the speaker. Can be either user
or guest
The speaker of the sentence
The text of the sentence
The raw text of the sentence
The start of the sentence in the number of seconds from the start of the meeting
The end of the sentence in the number of seconds from the start of the meeting
Creation time of the meeting
Last updated time of the meeting
URL of the meeting
The unique identifier of the meeting in Google or Outlook Calendar
Raw data returned from the remote API call.