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Pagination ​

Truto's API uses cursor-based pagination for all list endpoints. This is a way to handle large sets of data effectively and efficiently. Instead of relying on traditional offset-based pagination, cursor pagination provides smoother navigation through the listed items.

Understanding the Response ​

Each call to a list endpoint returns an object containing two main attributes:

  • result: This attribute contains the list of resources returned by the current request.
  • next_cursor: This attribute is a cursor that points to the start of the next page of results. If next_cursor is null, then there are no more pages to retrieve.

Using the Cursors ​

To fetch the next page of results, use the next_cursor value from the previous response. This should be included as a query parameter in your next request.

For instance, if the next_cursor from the last response was abc123, you would fetch the next page of results by appending ?next_cursor=abc123 to the URL.

Limiting the Results ​

You can limit the number of records returned in a single request by using the limit query parameter. The limit parameter defines the maximum number of records to return. For example, ?limit=10 will return up to 10 records from the list.

Example ​

Here's an example of a response from a list call:

    "result": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Resource 1",
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Resource 2",
    "next_cursor": "abc123"

In this example, result is an array of resources, and next_cursor is the cursor you would use to fetch the next page of results.