Adobe Acrobat Sign

Adobe Acrobat Sign

API integration

Expand your

Cloud Storage

integrations with the

Adobe Acrobat Sign

API integration.

Perform all CRUD operations through our Proxy and Unified APIs.

Perform all CRUD operations through our Proxy and Unified APIs.

Trusted by indiehackers, bootstrapped and VC-funded companies

  • Sprinto
  • Claira
  • Senja
  • Spendflo
  • springworks
  • TruvaAI
  • NetZeroNow
  • SiteGPT
  • Dos&Co
  • Findr
  • ZenAdmin
  • SaaSMonk
  • Cloudficient

Trusted by indiehackers, bootstrapped and VC-funded companies

  • Sprinto
  • Claira
  • Senja
  • Spendflo
  • Springworks
  • TruvaAI
  • Spark 2
  • SiteGPT
  • Dos&Co
  • Findr
  • ZenAdmin
  • SaaSMonk
  • Cloudficient


APIs for

Adobe Acrobat Sign

Skip writing code for every integration. Save time by using Truto's category-specific Unified APIs.

You can use the schema we provide out of the box or customize and override the mappings to suit your needs with AI.


The User object represents a User.

Unified User Directory API


The Group object is used to represent collection of Users.

Unified E-Signature API


The User object is used to represents a User

Unified E-Signature API


The Workflow object is used to represent automations configured in the e-sign application.

Unified E-Signature API


The Template object is used to represent templates cofnigured for various entities like Documents, messages, etc.

Unified E-Signature API

Signing requests

The Signing Request object is used to represent signing requests sent.

Unified E-Signature API


The Document object is used to represent documents of e-signature.

Unified E-Signature API

Web forms

The Web Form object is used to represent web forms of e-signature.

Unified E-Signature API

Proxy API for

Adobe Acrobat Sign

Access all of the

Adobe Acrobat Sign

API without worrying about authentication and pagination. 

Truto's Proxy APIs are a 1-to-1 mapping of the

Adobe Acrobat Sign

Cloud Storage


API call us you

You call us, we call

Adobe Acrobat Sign

and pass the response back in the same cycle.

Access all of the

Adobe Acrobat Sign

API without worrying about authentication and pagination. 

Truto's Proxy APIs are a 1-to-1 mapping of the

Adobe Acrobat Sign

Cloud Storage

API, you call us

we call

Adobe Acrobat Sign

and pass the response back in the same cycle.

Account Linking

Account Linking

Use Truto's frontend SDK to link your


Adobe Acrobat Sign


We handle all the OAuth and API key flows. You do not need to create the OAuth app as well.

Account Linking

Account Linking

Use Truto's frontend SDK to link your


Adobe Acrobat Sign


We handle all the OAuth and API key flows. You do not need to create the OAuth app as well.

Seamless authentication 

Don't spend time refreshing access tokens, and figuring out how to store them securely. We do it for you.

We also sprinkle them into the API requests. So you just have to deal with 1 API key, ours.

Seamless authentication 

Don't spend time refreshing access tokens, and figuring out how to store them securely. We do it for you.

We also sprinkle them into the API requests. So you just have to deal with 1 API key, ours.

Unified response format

Unified response format

Truto follows a single response format for it's Proxy and Unified APIs across all the integrations.

into a unified cursor based pagination and all of the data is always present in the result attribute.

Adobe Acrobat Sign

We translate


Unified response format

Unified response format

Truto follows a single response format for it's Proxy and Unified APIs across all the integrations.

into a unified cursor based pagination and all of the data is always present in the result attribute.

Adobe Acrobat Sign

We translate



Adobe Acrobat Sign

integrated into your app

without the hassle

Our team understands what it takes to make a unified API implementation successful.

Boost customer satisfaction

Boost customer satisfaction

When customers can easily integrate their new products into their existing systems, they’re more likely to stick around. It’s just common sense!

Boost customer satisfaction

Boost customer satisfaction

When customers can easily integrate their new products into their existing systems, they’re more likely to stick around. It’s just common sense!


Empower engineers

Who wants to do boring grunt work? Not engineers! By taking care of integrations for them, they’ll have more time to focus on what really matters - making a great product.


Empower engineers

Who wants to do boring grunt work? Not engineers! By taking care of integrations for them, they’ll have more time to focus on what really matters - making a great product.


Boost profits 

Optimise developer resources. Truto frees up time and saves money. Say hello to a healthier bottom line!


Boost profits 

Optimise developer resources. Truto frees up time and saves money. Say hello to a healthier bottom line!

Wow Experience

Wow your prospects

Support transcends mere swift responses. Our exceptional support has a distinct, impactful presence.

Wow Experience

Wow your prospects

Support transcends mere swift responses. Our exceptional support has a distinct, impactful presence.

Powered by AI

Tick Icon

Customize the mappings as you need using AI.

Tick Icon

Build your own unified API from scratch, aided by AI.

Take back focus where it matters. Let Truto do integrations.

Learn more about our unified API service and solutions. This is a short, crisp 30-minute call with folks who understand the problem of alternatives.

Take back focus where it matters. Let Truto do integrations.

Learn more about our unified API service and solutions. This is a short, crisp 30-minute call with folks who understand the problem of alternatives.

Take back focus where it matters. Let Truto do integrations.

Learn more about our unified API service and solutions. This is a short, crisp 30-minute call with folks who understand the problem of alternatives.

Need help with existing integrations?

If you are already using a unified API or self built solution, but need help – we do provide our services for custom solutions.

Need help with existing integrations?

If you are already using a unified API or self built solution, but need help – we do provide our services for custom solutions.

Need help with existing integrations?

If you are already using a unified API or self built solution, but need help – we do provide our services for custom solutions.

Did our integrations roster hit the spot?

© Yin Yang, Inc. 2024. All rights reserved.

9450 SW Gemini Dr, PMB 69868, Beaverton, Oregon 97008-7105, United States