Builds Object ​
The unique identifier for the build
The name of the build
The repository of the build
The head branch of the build
The head commit of the build
The trigger for the build - push, merge_request, api, cron, web or the raw response from the API
The actor who triggered the build
The type of the actor who triggered the build - user, bot or raw response from the API
The conclusion of the build - passed, failed, cancelled, timeout, skipped, retried, partial or the raw response from the API
The workflow's unique identifier in the CI/CD
The build's unique identifier in the CI/CD
The status of the build - queued, in_progress, completed or the raw response from the API
The date and time when the build was created
The date and time when the build was last updated
The date and time when the build started
The date and time when the build finished
The number of attempts for the build
The run number of the build
Raw data returned from the remote API call.